About Jeev Sewa Sansthan

Uplifting lives in many ways

Paramhans sant hirdaram sahib

Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahib was a symbol of simplicity even though endowed with enormous spiritual strength, a great thinker of world brotherhood, a synonym of the mission to uplift the down-trodden, the sufferers, the underprivileged. He was born on 21.09.1906 in a small village, Bhangun in Distt. Nawabshah (Sindh). Master Hirdaram, far away from worldly attractions since childhood, embraced “Sanyasa” (Renouncing the world) at the age of 18 in the guidance of his Guru - His Holiness Baba Hariram Sahib. He decided to remain Bal-brahmachari (Bachelor throughout the life) so that he can devote his entire life for Devotion of Almighty and upliftment of the society without any distractions.

Whosoever, be the simplest man or a dignitary like the Governor or Minister, met this spiritual soul, was impressed with his aura. His only message to everyone was – “Help your fellow brethren irrespective of the caste, colour, creed or nationality.”. His service philosophy is a think-tank for everyone : -

"The old, the infirm and the children, Are the real forms of God. Serve them with heart & soul, And win laurels of the Lord."

Paramhans Santji united with the Supreme soul on 21.12.2006, after completing 100 years of age. Today he is not physically among us but his blessings & inspiration are always with us for marching ahead on the path shown by him.

REV. SIDDH BHAU JI - Our Motivational & Guiding Source

For carrying out the benevolent intentions of Paramhans Santji, a youth, Mr. Hotchand Dhanwani came forward. In view of his total dedication towards the above mentioned Service Philosophy, he was renamed by the Saint as “Siddh”- divinely blessed (one who will be successful in every walk of life). This youth is adorably popular amongst the masses and, therefore, is called “Rev. Siddh Bhau”. His wisdom, ideals, patriotism, co-ordination of activities, constant motivation, guidance and encouragement to the young volunteers – all these qualities have made him an institution in himself. Although the blessings & inspiration of Paramhans Santji are the most important factors for the benevolent activities, yet the contribution of Rev. Siddh Bhau is like that of Swami Vivekananda for continuing the mission of his Guru Ramkrishna Paramhansa.


Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahib spent maximum time in a small hut type dwelling at Bairagarh (since re-named as Sant Hirdaram Nagar) Bhopal. As per his wishes, after he united with the Supreme Soul on 21.12.2006, his body was piously cremated within the campus of this dwelling. A Samadhi was created over this sacred place and the entire campus was re-named as Sewa Sankalp Dham. Faith, reverence and affection of the people of this township and across the country as well as the world was so staunch in Paramhans Santji and his Service Philosophy that this place has now become a pilgrimage for them. The front opening has been created in such a way that the Samadhi is visible from outside, without entering into the campus. Daily, thousands of people visit this place or lessen speed of their vehicles and bow down heads while passing the main road from where it is visible. Many tie threads on the branches of the shrubs surrounding this place and beg the holy Saint to fulfill their desires – be it cure from any disease, be it seeking prosperity or be it leading a peaceful life. Paramhans Sant always used to say that it is only the unshakable faith of the devotees in him that makes their desires fulfilled. And, whosoever following his advice, renders selfless service to the suffering creation of God either in free eye/urology camps or by contributing in various service activities, his desires are easily fulfilled with the blessings of those benefitting from such services. Every year, on the pious Birthday -21st September and Mahaprayan Diwas (uniting with the Supreme Soul) – 21st December, the number of people visiting this place turns into lakhs. Definitely, this place, Sewa Sankalp Dham, has been proving its name given, as people, after visiting this place, are automatically moulded towards the activities of Sewa and Sumiran. Indeed, a place worth to be visited and worshipped for all those who find darshanas of their Ishtdeva (form of God being worshipped by them) in the faces of the hapless brethren needing helping hands.

Jeev Sewa Sansthan was formed as an Apex organization in 1994, with an objective to co-ordinate all the benevolent activities of the different social organizations functioning as per the Service Philosophy of the Saint and receive donations for general or specific projects/activities. It is a public Trust, managed by a Board of Trustees who are staunch followers of Parmahans Santji.

The activities run by Jeev Sewa Sansthan (JSS) & its associated organizations are focused mainly in the field of Health, Education, women empowerment, skill development etc. Besides, many other social activities are also being run either directly by JSS or through its sister organizations to serve the underprivileged souls.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Trust are given as under: -

  • To carry out benevolent activities in the field of education and health.
  • To extend need-based help to the poor and hapless through sincere efforts to meet-out their minimum requirements.
  • To extend every possible help to the needy ones to live a dignified life.
  • To seek/extend help from/to the organizations for the purpose as described above
  • To enable the poor & meritorious students to avail facilities such as education, library and employment.
  • 6. To conduct activities relating to the service of the children, patients & old persons.
  • In addition to above, to work for all the benevolent objectives considered necessary for the Community, Society & the Nation as unanimously agreed by the Trustees.


“To uplift the society and serve its suffering sections through various benevolent activities with the help from philanthropists/social organizations.”


“Maanav Sewa is Madhav Sewa”

Registrations :

FCRA (No.0631600059) for receiving foreign donations.

Exemption :

Donations are exempted u/s 80(G) of Income Tax Act, 1961.


Rev. Siddh Bhauji (Bhopal)

Rev. Siddh Bhauji, like his Guru, Sant Hirdaram Sahib, is a Bal Brahmchari. His birth name is “Hotchand Dhanwani". In view of his dedication, ability for executing benevolent projects and activities, acceptability among the volunteers and philanthropists as to motivate and inspire them, sympathy and empathy in his heart towards sufferings and needs of the poor and spirit of patriotism, human and moral values, Paramhans Santji re-named him as “SIDDH’- meaning the person who would have success in his intentions, actions and goals. He further prophesied that after him, this youth would increase the benevolent activities ten times and announced him as his true successor.

Today, the words of Paramhans Santji are proving true as Rev. Siddh Bhauji has been proving himself as an able guiding force behind the success of all the benevolent projects and activities. He puts in his heart and soul for materializing the dreams of Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahibji. His mission is to provide quality education to the children with a strong value system based on Indian culture, morality, patriotism and world brotherhood.

Today Rev. Siddh Bhau Ji has taken vision of Paramhans Santji to a new height and has proved the worth of the trust and blessings bestowed upon him. He has been ably guiding, motivating and inspiring a large number of volunteers and philanthropists towards charitable activities being run through JSS and its associate/sister organizations.

Mr. Hero Gyanchandani (Bhopal)

Mr. Hero Gyanchandani sought voluntary retirement from a senior post of Chief Manager in State Bank of India and dedicated himself wholly with the benevolent activities of JSS and other organizations. Very calm, intelligent, having pleasant personality and a zeal to help everyone, he is very popular among the volunteers. The mission of his life has been to be in the service of Parmhans Santji and Rev. Siddh Bhau ji. He always puts in his mind and heart for success of the benevolent activities. In view of his ability, service spirit and lovable nature, Paramhans Santji used to say- “The team of all the volunteers of JSS and its associate organizations is the Military of Hero.”

Mr. Mahesh Dayaramani (Bhopal)

Mr. Mahesh Dayaramani, retired from Punjab National Bank, Secretary of JSS, has the responsibility of ensuring that all the activities of the Trust are being run smoothly and the needed help to various other organizations functioning as per the Service Philosophy of Paramhans Santji, is timely provided. He involves himself in all these activities with devotion, perseverance & earnestness and promptly apprises the philanthropists. He conveys wishes of Rev. Siddh Bhau ji regarding sponsoring specific activities/projects to the concerned philanthropists and humbly requests them to come forward with gracious hearts and generous hands for the same. He has been discharging his duties very efficiently & effectively since setting up of JSS in 1994. Blessed by the God, parents, Paramhans Santji & Rev. Siddh Bhauji this worldly travelled ever energetic youth has been able to convince and motivate many kind hearted persons across the world, to contribute in achieving aims & goals of the organization for serving poor and needy.


Mr. Arjun Tewani, a senior official retired from Bank of Baroda, has dedicated significant part of his life for the service of humanity. His entire family hold a profound respect & reverence for Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahibji. For the past 30 years, Mr. Arjun Tewani has been offering his voluntary services as Senior Naturopath at Sant Hirdaram Yoga and Nature Cure Hospital (previously called as ‘Arogya Kendra’). His dedication for promoting holistic wellness & providing patients’ consultation reflects his zeal & passion for alleviating the sufferings of others. Currently, he serves as Trustee of Jeev Sewa Sansthan and plays a pivotal role in the organization’s mission to uplift the lives of under-privileged masses. His devotion & perseverance resonate with Santji’s philosophy i.e., “Service to humanity is the highest form of worship.”


Mr. Mamtani Manga, is a staunch follower of Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahib’s philosophy. He has been associated with Jeev Sewa Sansthan for more than 40 years and has extended significant contribution for various service projects like Devi Indira Academy, RADHIKA (super specialty wing of Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital), JIWAN (MBA College for Girls) etc.

Mr. Mamtani, a successful businessman, is regarded as a respected personality amongst business fraternity due his acumen, practical approach and amiable behavior.

He has been our guide, motivator and great contributor on the path of selfless service to the humanity.

We are proud to be associated with Dr. Gopal Badlani, renowned urologist from New York (USA), since last 24 years. He has made significant contribution through his exemplary service spirits by rendering his voluntary services for the treatment/ operations of poor urology patients since past many years thereby working as per the service philosophy of Paramhans Sant Hirdaram Sahib. He has been conferred with prestigious Dr. B.C. Roy award by the President of India for his exemplary services in the field of urology.

He has contributed for the setting up of “Dada Atmaram Badlani Urology Diagnostic and Research Centre” in Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital building, in the loving memory of his uncle.

An admired person, our patron and an ideal for many, Dr. Ram Buxani is more inclined towards Eye Care for poor. He has been associated with JSS and its noble endeavors since more than two decades. His soulmate, Mrs. Veena Buxani has always been supporting him in these activities.

Ishwaribai Buxani Post-operative Care Wing in Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital has been set up by him in the loving memory of his beloved mother. He has also donated an Ambulance Bus to Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital in the loving memory of his revered parents.

His autobiography ‘Taking the High Road’ is inspirational for many goal oriented persons across the world.

Dada N.N. Lalchandani was one of the oldest and ardent disciples of Paramhans Sant Hirdaramji Sahib. He had deep faith in Santji and had been following his preaching in letter and spirit. He had devoted his entire life for the service of the poor and deprived as desired by his Guru.

With his kind help, Yoga Hall was set up in Arogya Kendra. Besides, he had set up Koushalya Lalchandani Higher Education Fund through which many children are being helped for pursuing higher education.

His simplicity and kind heartedness touched everyone whosoever came in his contact.

A pioneer in starting various new benevolent activities at this centre, Dada Bhagwani has set up Swami Vivekanand Career Academy where a placement centre is also functioning providing employment opportunities to the youngsters.

In order to create a sense of self-respect among the poor and making them self reliant, with Shri Ghanshyam Bhagwani’s initiation and upfront contribution, Manav Swawlamban Sakh Sahikarita Samiti was established which provides need based low interest and hustle free loans to poor and needy persons to start/expand their own small and medium business ventures. Thousands of people have been benefitted from the Society and earning for themselves and their families with self-respect.

Blessed by the God, Mata Sherawali, Parents, Saints, Mr. Mohan Lalwani, a renowned philanthropist of Hong Kong. He has been associated with activities of Jeev Sewa Sansthan for more than two and half decades. Mr. Mohan Lalwani has single handedly taken many projects like Indira Hotchand Lalwani Charitable General Hospital, Maternity ward in Govt. Civil Hospital, Bairagarh & Indira Hotchand Lalwani Library & Administration Block in Sant Hirdaram Girls College etc. He has visited Sant Nagar many times and motivated many philanthropists across the world, specially in Hong Kong & Dubai who have been extending their helping hand to Jeev Sewa Sansthan wholeheartedly. His efforts, in spreading the service philosophy of Paramhans Santji during our first visit to Hong Kong in 1994, were fructified and network of JSS has increased by leaps & bounds in the country which is better known as “Oasis of Philanthropists”

Mr. Nari Pohani (New York, USA) has been associated with JSS for more than a decade. He has been contributing for various projects like sponsoring education of needy children through CHI, providing sprouts to these children, construction of Children’s Hope India Girls school in Gandhinagar & setting up of Medical Dispensary at Gandhinagar, a suburb of Bhopal. Besides, he has donated buses for school-going children and eye patients.

Mr. Prakash Savlani, alongwith his entire family, is very much associated with Paramhans Santji and all the benevolent activities being initiated and run with the blessings of holy Saint. Sawlani family is great help & strength for us. Mr. Prakash has motivated many kind hearted persons who are helping us generously for our service activities. He acts as service ambassador of Paramhans Santji.

Indian Women’s Charity Association (I.W.C.A.), a charitable organization of Madrid has been providing the needed help for many of our activities since past 21 years. All the members of the organization are associated with us. They also motivate their friends and relatives towards our benevolent activities. They have been helping us in the marriages of poor girls, education of poor children, medical help to needy patients and by donating used clothes for the distribution among the poor etc.

Ms. Neerja Sujanani is the Past President of Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile (KGM), Hong Kong and has been regularly contributing for sponsoring the free eye camps and educating the poor children. She has been motivating like-minded philanthropists to contribute for our various benevolent activities.

  •   Mr. Mahesh Dayaramani, Secretary,
         First floor, Navnidh Hassomal
         Lakhani Public School, Lake Road
         Sant Hirdaram Nagar,Bairagarh,
         Bhopal, M.P. Pin – 462030 INDIA.
  •   +91-755-2643081, 2641439,
         2642714, +91-9425011646
  •   0755 2642389
  •   jeevsewa@gmail.com

About Us

Jeev Sewa Sansthan was formed as an Apex organization in 1994, with an objective to co-ordinate all the benevolent activities of the different social organizations functioning as per the Service Philosophy of the Saint and receive donations for general or specific projects/activities. It is a public Trust, managed by a Board of Trustees who are staunch followers of Parmahans Santji.

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