Free education to a poor child (upto Class XII).
One cataract operation with lens implantation :
One free urology operation :
Items and cash given, as per need, in marriage of a poor girl :
One bore-well with network of pipes alongwith electricity charges for one year :
Help for arranging the Last Rites in the poor families :
Help for the Higher Studies of poor meritorious students :
Free education to a poor child (college level education) :
A full free eye (IOL)camp of 100 patients :
A full free urology camp of 100 patients :
Food, nutritional & medical help to a poor old person per year :
Monthly ration to poor family:
Electricity charges & maintenance per month for 53 tube-well motors for providing free water :
Dietary Help to the women post delivery period :
Your generous and kind gesture will turn lives of sufferers into somewhat worth living which are full of agonies, deprived of basic amenities and wanting help from philanthropists like you. They all are looking forward to your gracious help with sunken, welled up eyes and pale faces. Believe us, their blessings will bring in indescribable bliss in the lives of your goodself and your family members as God can never turn down their prayers for you. You will become ambassadors of God for them and He will definitely shower His choicest grace on you.
The donations may kindly be sent favouring JEEV SEWA SANSTHAN. The donations are exempted under Sec. 80(G) of Income Tax Act 1961. The Sansthan is registered under FCRA for receiving foreign donations.